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Each life is an encyclopedia, a library, an inventory of objects, and everything can be constantly shuffled and reordered in every way conceivable.
~ Italo Calvino

The library of the Italian Cultural Institute of Los Angeles contains large number of books dedicated to the areas of Literature, Arts and Cinema. The books are classified in accordance with the Dewey Decimal System. The IIC also has a multimedia library that includes both VHS cassettes and DVDs.

Access and Consultation
The library and multi-media library are open to the public for consultation by appointment. However, only members of the IIC and Lingua Viva students may take material out on loan without a deposit. To make a reservation, please contact and carefully review our health and safety requirements.
The library and multimedia library are open by appointment Monday through Thursday, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm and from 2 pm to 4:30 pm.  During that time, the library staff  is available to respond to telephone inquiries . Please call  310-443-3250.

IIC members and Lingua Viva students are welcome to borrow books, videos and DVDs for free . All other users will need to pay a $20 deposit which will be refunded when the material is returned.
Books  – no more than 3 at the time – may be borrowed for a 4 week time limit, whereas video and DVDs – no more than 1 at the time – for a 2 week time limit.
Late returns will result in a 6 month suspension from borrowing rights.
In the event that a borrowed item is lost or damaged, the user will be required to cover the cost of the replacement.


The library of the Italian Cultural Institute in Los Angeles provides an online catalog. The user can perform the following operations:

  • simple or advanced searches (for example by title or author) of the whole catalogue or of a single section relating to materials other than books (videos, CDs, DVSs etc.) entitled mediateca;
  • view new acquisitions;
  • compile bibliographical lists and send them via email to different addresses;
  • propose new acquisitions;
  • obtain information and statistical data about the library;
  • access virtual resources on Italian language, literature and culture available on the internet