On the occasion of the Centennial Celebrations of writer Italo Calvino (1923 – 1985), a lecture by Serenella Iovino, Professor of Italian Studies and Environmental Humanities at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In English.
Wednesday, November 13 | 12:30 pm PST
The event is part of Six Memos for the Present 1923-2023, an interdisciplinary lecture series celebrating Italo Calvino’s centennial, curated by USC Professor Gian Maria Annovi. Each lecture will expand Calvino’s text in different directions with the goal of fostering a discussion on the role of literature in today’s society. Download the full program.
Zoom link: https://usc.zoom.us/j/93593818314
MEETING ID: 935 9381 8314
Serenella Iovino’s work is internationally recognized in the fields of environmental humanities and ecocriticism, research areas to which she has contributed essays and volumes on such topics as environmental ethics, ecocritical theory, cultural landscapes, critical animal studies, biosemiotics, posthumanism, feminist ecocriticism, Mediterranean studies, new materialisms, environmental justice, land art, bioregionalism and place ethics, and a number of studies bringing Italy and Italian literature and culture into the foreground. She also investigated the relationships among philosophy, literature, and the natural sciences in XVIII-XIX-century Germany in essays and two book-length publications on the Age of Goethe. In Italian Studies, her main areas of specialization are 20th-21st century Italian literature, culture, and environmental issues. Her most recent publications in the field include Italo Calvino’s Animals: Anthropocene Stories, and, as co-editor, Italy and the Environmental Humanities. Her Ecocriticism and Italy: Ecology, Resistance, and Liberation. winner of the AAIS and MLA book awards, has been published in a completely revised and updated Italian version as Paesaggio Civile: Storie di ambiente, cultura e resistenza, from the trade publisher Il Saggiatore.